Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Classroom Tour!

Ah, this week is FULL of pictures. I have been resisting the urge to post these on Facebook, because, lets face it, I am a bragger. Oh well. :) But here you have it, a tour of my new and improved classroom! I am so very excited to fill it with students. I tried my best to make it a welcoming, happy, and just overall warm place for my students. Enjoy!

My library area. There are pillows in the cabinet if needed. :) I tried to go for a home-y feel because  I think my group of students really deserve a place to come if they need to de-stress.  You will note Pookie, the bear, who has been with me through thick and thin (most importantly my cancer years). My hopes is that he can be there for some of my students now! (More to come on the bulletin board NEXT week! It's a class project, and will be awesome.)

One of the many quotes pictures I made on PPT. Imagine my excitement when I discovered we have a poster maker at my school! :D Talk of enlarging my pictures is already going down! Fantastic!!

The other MONSTER bulletin board I have. Yes, I stood on counters to do it, with a very wonderful friend. :) Yes, it took us 2 hours and then some. Yes, this was our first time doing a board like this. No, we did not cry. We came close, but at least we finished, and it turned out better than planned!

So excited to try out this "ticket out" idea. Students write on post its something they learned, something they still need help on, or something that they REALLY need help on! Then, on the way out, they stick it on the lights accordingly. Great tool for you as a teacher, but also for them when it comes to self evaluation. We will see how it works!

The student center. Looks a little different after today (added a few other things) but I love the color! :) Now, to get the students to use it............. haha.........

My favorite quote. Poster-fying it in a week or two!

Probably my favorite part of the room. Trying to make it more "our" room, not just "my" room. The students can write memories, or things that they think are memorable from our class time, fold, and put in their jar. The last day of school, we sit around and read what they put in their jars. I cannot WAIT to see if it works. 

Always good to have a backup tech guy when the real school tech guy is too busy to help you out. Thanks Jacob for connecting all those crazy cords for me! :)

My very first teacher desk! Huzzah!!

Ignore the weird guy in this picture (don't really know who he is...) . Focus on the beautiful classroom instead! :)


  1. That looks amazing! Great job, Sarah!!

    1. Thanks! I am so happy with the way it turned out... Now to put some children in it.... :)

  2. VERY impressive! Harry Wong will be seeking you out for his next tour! :-)

    1. Sweet! :) I would be pretty happy about that, he is so neat!

  3. But is the "Be who you are" poster missing a line -- "Those who"???

    1. It is actually in smaller print, running up the word "matter." Hard to see in the picture, and it has thrown a couple people. I may have to redo it before I make it into a poster. :)

  4. Dude Sarah! This is so fantastic! Seriously, your classroom looks amazing!!!! And you have a desk!!!! I see Chewie! The reading section looks so cozy and the bulletin boards turned out great! Unfortunately these pictures just made me want to see it more in person. Great job!

  5. I love your classroom so much can I have it?

  6. That guy just blends in with your room which means he must be beautiful as well!

  7. I am curious to know how the stoplight ticket out/self evaluation tool has been working out in your room. If you like it and the kids found it useful, I plan to steal it for my classroom next year. :)

    1. We loved using it, but it fell down being near the doorway... I would say put it up somewhere not on the way out the door. :) We are planning to get it back up and functioning for Kansas History, though! For some reason, middle school students love post it notes!
